25 Days of Gays: Hot Guys with Guns (2013)

The crime comedy Hot Guys with Guns centers around Danny (played by Marc Anthony Samuel), a gay actor doing research in hopes of getting a part as a television detective. Danny is enlisted by his ex-boyfriend, Pip, to use his newfound skills to locate his missing watch after he attends a sex party where everyone is drugged and robbed. They soon realize the culprits are behind a string of sex party robberies and the bad guys aren’t too happy to learn they are trying to track them down. Brian McArdle plays Pip and appears in several rear nude scenes, along with Trey McCurley, who plays Pip’s new beau, Robin. Chad Strawn appears naked as one of the sex party guests, along with several other unnamed extras. The film also features shirtless scenes featuring Mingyu Chu, Spencer Collins, David Nathie Barnes and Kevin Held.

Brian McArdle

Trey McCurley

David Nathie Barnes

Mingyu Chu

Spencer Collins

Chad Strawn

Kevin Held

Naked Extras